I had the pleasure of watching the Sound of Freedom movie in a theater near me. I want to talk about the meaning of the movie before I discuss it. The Sound of Freedom is a movie about a true story involving a homeland security agent who quits his job and goes through great effort to save children from human trafficking. The movie is of a sensitive nature and can be very discomforting to some viewers. Although it can be discomforting to watch, this movie sheds light on the darkness of our world. Human trafficking has become one of the fastest growing criminal networks in the world in recent years. To put it into a bigger perspective, around 130 people are trafficked world-wide every hour. That equates to roughly 3,120 people trafficked a day, and 21,840 people a week. 5,460 of those people are children as 1 in 4 people trafficked are underage. The movie wanted to reach two million people to represent the two million children trafficked every year. When faced with the numbers many people should feel discomfort as it is troubling issue. Sound of Freedom is the number one movie in the United States as of this blog. They have sold more than 10.2 million tickets, that is 513% of their goal. This movie also has a 100% audience review and 73% critic score.
I want to stress the importance of viewing this movie. It is not just a movie about a a good man saving children it is also a story of passion, courage, and companionship. The Sound of Freedom "is not a story about Tim Ballard or the actors that portray the story, it is a story about the children and empowering them through the movie to help bring this darkness to light" -Jim Caviezel. There are controversies surrounding this movie and how it is being publicized by media. Do not let anyone tell you to not see this movie for yourself. We all have an obligation to protect children from harm and seeing this movie is the first step in ensuring you and your children understand the dangers in this world.

According to Human Trafficking Courts (htcourts.org), Virginia has a growing problem in human trafficking cases. Roughly 80% of those cases are sexual trafficking as stated by Human Trafficking Courts. Traffickers use certain lures to attract their victims. These lures include a list of many things including romance, job opportunities, and more deceptive cons. The first step in helping is to spread the awareness of human trafficking and then to learn how to recognize it. Human traffickers can be anyone from a relative, a boss, a colleague, to a complete stranger. Learning how to notice the signs can be that much more beneficial to your child's and others safety. This is why internet safety is so important now more than ever. Many children are becoming friendly with strangers online and these strangers can be those with malicious intentions. Stay vigilant and focus on learning and teaching others about noticing the signs. I highly recommend checking out the National Human Trafficking Hotline as it has relatively new statistics on human trafficking in Virginia and where these cases were found mostly.
I am going to be personal for a bit. This movie really hurt to watch. From beginning to end I felt as if I had a pit in my stomach and wanted to leave to make it go away. Even as I sat there contemplating my discomfort I realized that I was not sitting in a theater just to watch a movie. I was sitting there because I needed to. I watched the movie imagining it was me, or someone I knew in those children's situations. The amount of terror and emotion that this movie pulled from me devastated me for many hours after finishing it. We all need to see Tim Ballard's story and hear what has been happening. I never felt more sick to my stomach while watching the movie and I couldn't believe what I was watching. It was affecting me emotionally, and I can say this movie is truly one of a kind and is a must watch for all parents.
If you are unable to see the movie due to financial issues do not worry. Angel Studios has setup a pay it forward program so those who can't afford tickets can still see the movie anywhere at anytime in theaters. just go to the link below and follow the prompts to request a free ticket to a cinema near you.
"Remember, God's children are not for sale."- Jim Caviezel